Archive for September, 2007
As the blogging community in Windsor becomes a greater force to be reckoned with, more and more insiders, concerned citizens and people just generally sick and tired of the state of the city are beginning to come forward to push items into the lime light.Chris Schunurr, who you ...

I am continually reminded that not everyone takes pride in their homes, nor their community.This revelation doesn't percolate to the surface easily when it's a disposable McHome or a disposable McNeighbourhood that ...

Windsor's downtown darling, Ron Leary, is eastward bound this time.WHAT?!? Not familiar with Ron and his troubadour stylings? You've gotta get downtown more, Amigo!Ron has been, and will be ...

First off - I don't want anyone to feel that the M.O. of SDW has shifted off of "Windsor's built environment and it's cultural effects" to "Let's get an Downtown Campus". That does seem ...

The office vacancy rate in Windsor is more than triple the national average while average net rent is half what is being charged nationally, according to third-quarter projections released this week by real estate ...

At a recent family get together, Uncle John (his real name) was trying to talk my partner and I into moving our whole family down to Phoenix, Arizona and open a coffee shop with ...

We here at SDW have no desire whatsoever to make this blog a forum for the October 10th provincial election or referendum, even though we have strong feelings about the whole affair. Our purpose ...

I came upon this in todays Windsor Star, and had to pass it along.When presented with the fact that Windsor ranked 18 out of 27 Canadian cities in a green urban ...