I know, I know. HEY HOLT! What the heck? Where's our ScaleDown Radio shows for download?
I've been slacking, for sure. But all is not lost. I've been screwing ...

Further to James' "Rambling Man" post, I wanted to supply everyone with the audio I took from the Planning Advisory Committee meeting that night.
I think this meeting, and the developers reaction to a simple, temporary moratorium on greenfield commercial development (read: ...

So, is this it? Truly? What are we going to do if council actually approves tonights Ward Boundary Review and takes away our perennial go-to topic here on ...

Did you know that Windsor was the very first municipality in Canada (many even claim North America) to have an electric streetcar line?
Of course you did. You read ...

Today was a BIG day on ScaleDown Radio! Andrew and I welcomed three city councillors on the show to discuss the Ward Boundary Review with Citizfaction.ca ...

As you probably know (we were defiitely NOT shy about sharing the news) Andrew and I welcomed Richard Florida into the CJAM production studio last week. Well, ...

Today, we take pretty well the entire show to bring you the insights of renowed author and speaker Jeremy Rifkin, who was in Windsor last week ...

I don't know why, but the CJAM archive machine is out of whack a bit as of late. It started copying our show about ten minutes into it. ...