Archive for October, 2008
This has been a long time coming. After years of being called a "poser", feeling hypocritical as I drive one of my two vehicles around town sporting a tattoo on my ...

A few years ago, I decided to go for a walk. It was a cloudy, grey evening and the wind was biting my face, but something was beckoning me to walk through my old neighbourhood ...

You know how we LOVE to spread the Creative Windsor Gospel, don'tcha? Well, Our good friends over at WindsorEats never do anything half-assed, and they say they are looking for original musicians to work ...

Ya know, it seems as though we're writing eulogies about lost architectural gems about once a month. It's always a reactive anguish as the death fences are erected, as we ...

I have noticed something. I find that there is a distinct difference in my attitude depending on whether I ride my bike to work or drive my car into work. Bike-to-work James is a much happier person, more helpful and much less sarcastic. ...

It was late Saturday night. I was dead awake and needed something other than infomercials and Scooby-Doo reruns to watch so I turned to PBS. On it was one of my favourite programs, ...

The pledge drive is here! The pledge drive is here!
But that doesn't mean that the show will be boring. Ohhhh nooooo sirrrrr! We've actually ramped ...

Yes, it's that time of year again. CJAM's annual pledge drive is underway as we speak. This is the time when your local, community radio station comes back to you - the listener - and asks you to support the great efforts that its voluteers do 24/7.
CJAM is celebrating it's ...