Archive for November, 2008
Exemptions needed to help core prosper
By Paul Berton
The success of London's downtown (and yes, it is a success ...

I've been trying to understand exactly why I've been fielding calls from the national media so much lately. I know that people suffering makes for good press: just look at Iraq, Afganistan, ...

What do air pollution, traffic congestion, crumbling municipal roads and bridges, and your health have in common?
You can do something to help improve all of these things.
Crazy? Not really.
Do you have to sign a petition? Go to a rally? Support a ...

In a time of strife and uncertainty, it is common to see people who are all equally affected by the outcome of a problem to bicker and point fingers at one another. We in Windsor ...

Yes, it's that time again! Time for this years jovial war between the Windsor Blogs. ScaleDown was trailing the pack in the 2007 awards, behind WindsorEats and International Metropolis, so it's time for us ...

I've been away from Scaledown for quite a while so I just thought I'd check in to say hi. Opening up the Tecumseh Roadhouse on County Road 42 (formerly Danilo's). Too many projects and negotiations to keep up, only writing this cause I woke up wayyyy too early.
Last night I ...

Aaaaah! The Riverside Drive Vista Improvement Project (RDVIP). Remember that plan to turn Windsor's "Scenic Drive" into a pedestrian/cycling paradise? It seems like it's been ages since we've heard about it, even ...

WARNING: A little bit of a personal rant approaching...
I am a fourth-generation autoworker in the city of Windsor that has lost his job due to a gamble his employer took in the marketplace.
This is the first time ...