Archive for June, 2010
...... the post-information age?
Although it seems that every city in the world is chasing, enticing the Creative Class to live in their city and developing Innovative Centres of Excellence blah, blah, with these people, we still need stuff, someone still has to make it. Although ...

This author doesn't think that Rust Belt cities are disposable, just facing a set of new challenges, nor do I think that Windsor is disposable, far from it. I wonder how other cities and people in Canada think of us, have they written us ...

We here at Scaledown have written about Pittsburgh, Seattle, Vancouver and other cities which we see as having progressive urbanism and admired what they have done, Mary Newsom of has a posting today that bursts the bubble, that the grass may not be greener anywhere else....

The below article is a re-re-post via
Friday, June 25th, 2010
Replay: The Decline of Civic Leadership Culture
“Cleveland’s leadership has no apparent theory of change. Overwhelmingly, the strategy is now driven by individual projects. These projects, pushed by the real estate interests that dominate the board of the Greater ...

Call it speculation. Call it "reading between the lines. It is what it is - an assumption that we all know too well will most likely come true
From today's Windsor Star;
Gaudet (CEO for the WindsorEssex Economic Development Corporation) said he's hopeful they can find a location that works ...

Over 30 Vendors to showcase “Local” this Weekend
The Downtown Windsor Farmers' Market opens its second season this weekend with more than 30 local vendors celebrating the best ...

Good friend of SD, Edwin Padilla, sent this to me thinking that our fellow SDers would find it an interesting thread. I think he's right. Thanks Edwin!
Financial Situational Awarene...

Hey all. I want to be sure everyone knows about this free conference with keynote speaker Ben Gomberg, cycling coordinator for Chicago, speaking on "Creating a Cycling Friendly City". Ben is ...