
Everyone loves a parade, how ’bout downtown?

By Mark | December 14, 2010 |

This is one of those posts that gets me in trouble for saying the stuff that no one wants to hear after a night of imbibing truth serum

I was at the DWBIA Annual General meeting (see footnote1) During it I heard for the second time how much the public would like to see the DWBIA bring the Santa Clause Parade back to downtown. This is after attending the last Board meeting where Councillor Valentintis announced that this was one of his priorities as a new board member or at least to voice that this was a priority of the Residents.

Now, here I go all bah Humbug. I mean, how do you oppose an X-Mas Parade? Confession:I was actually the board member who made the motion to cancel it years ago (can’t blame me only, the motion was seconded and I got a majority). So next best thing is to ask why

1. Parade corp said either give more money or it would move.

2. Last year we saw Wyandotte Town Center and Walkerville get a Provincial grant that funded their taking over Canada day parade. A grant that the DWBIA was denied. (Thats right….Your provincial tax dollars paid to move parades out of downtown)

3. Our priority was retail and there were no retailers actually open during the santa clause parade.

4. Restaurants downtown actually stated that parades took away from their businesses due to the fact that parking was taken and attendies were not target customers.

So is the answer sour grapes? NO the answer is that THe downtown Businesses should look for a way to have their cake and eat it too!!!!

The obstacles I list above are not reasons to cancel a parade, they are obstacles to overcome so that a parade can benefit everyone.

We need a parade to occur when businesses are open. We need a parade to be more inclusive of downtonw businesses (how bout a downtown dining float and a downtown retail float).

Lets see how the comments go on this one. Many will say that I’m narrow minded and don’t see the big picture. I say I want the big picture while enjoying the little picture too. i want my cake and to eat it as well.

Solve these obstacles and you’lll see a X-mas parade next year. Point fingers and we’ll get the same results as last year.

FOOTNOTE 1. Whats funny is that when I joined the BIA the Annual budget meeting for 2011 would have occurred between March and May of that same year, 3-5 months into the budget.

I snicker at critics who question having the meeting before information is given. This is because due to the hard work of myself, Accountant Arunis Januska and some other key board members we at least moved the budget meeting to december prior to the year in question. If you don’t like the budget, at least it is seen before hand to voice your opinion.

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11 Readers left Feedback

  1. Chris Holt on Wednesday, December 15, 2010 at 9:45 am reply Reply

    Bosco hates Santa…and bunnies!

  2. Victoria Rose on Wednesday, December 15, 2010 at 12:24 pm reply Reply

    I loved having the parade in Walkerville. I was able to cycle there and I locked up my bike within view. I didn’t go to the Santa Claus parade as I had no idea what roads would be blocked and where to park. I would probably still go if it was Downtown if the info was there for me. Why can’t businesses stay open on parade night? Offer free hot chocolate or warming stations? Not every car can leave at the same time so if there was something for people to do, thye might stay for a bit.

  3. Tristan Fehrenbach on Wednesday, December 15, 2010 at 4:18 pm reply Reply

    Don’t really want to wade into this one, other that to say that I’ve really enjoyed the parade in Sandwich Towne. The business owners bend over backward to welcome the parade goers and the historic buildings are a nice backdrop. It’s a class act all around.

    Perhaps the DWBIA would be better off focussing its efforts on the Pride or Emancipation Day Parades. In my mind, they’ve got great potential to attract out-of-town tourists.

  4. UrbanRat on Wednesday, December 15, 2010 at 6:33 pm reply Reply

    I’m indifferent to the Santa Claus parade but I think that the Canada Day parade should be in the Core.

    That said, I’ve often thought for downtown, we should have everymans (persons) parade, a parade for no reason other than to have a parade, anybody, any organization, company can join, to celebrate anything. And no government money at all, leave the politicians out of this.

  5. mark Boscariol on Wednesday, December 15, 2010 at 6:39 pm reply Reply

    don’t get me wrong, the overwhelming public support may justify holding an event when most aren’t open. However, why can’t we have an event that achieves the same thing when merchants are open

    I also tried to convince retailers to open later hours. However, the standard response is that many retailers are owner operated and that opening late means over a 12 hour day. The owners say they are struggling and can’t afford to train people. Don’t argue with me on this, I’m just conveying their response which I also don’t buy

    I also like the Pride parade from a business perspective, there’s a demographic which has a higher disposable income statistically. When I joined the DWBIA, the board gave $4,000 to a board member for emancipation but it was lost with no return.

    Now the DWBIA has gotten into the event production business but not very successful. Once they start sponsoring, its difficult to pick and choose which events are worthy as there are so many

  6. Dorian on Wednesday, December 15, 2010 at 7:08 pm reply Reply

    The bottom line is that it would be good business decision to stay open late and provide an opportunity for the public to be introduced to your goods or services. Bringing people downtown can only help businesses. I don’t see any reasons against this, only excuses. Civic functions should not have to bend to retail and they shouldn’t be scattered around the city (carosel is an exception). Downtowns need all the attention they can get now. This will only benefit retail, not hurt it.

  7. Paul Synnott on Wednesday, December 15, 2010 at 11:24 pm reply Reply

    Bookmarked for tomorrow, when I’m sober!

  8. Dave on Thursday, December 16, 2010 at 7:45 am reply Reply

    I think it is unacceptable that a non-profit move a parade based on getting more money. A non-profit is for people not money.

    Most people I have talked said they thought that both parades were in stupid areas and that they should be downtown.

    Does Detroit have their parade on Michigan ave near Dearborn? Do they have it on 8 mile rd? No. It is in their downtown where parades belong.

    As for the businesses not being able to stay or want to be open is plain dumb. It is one of the major reasons retail hasn’t been able to get a foot on the ground in our downtown. They want 9-5 hours and then expect people to shop when it is convenient for the business owner. Sorry but in this day, that dog just doesn’t hunt anymore.

    In many cities I have visited retail is open until 9:00PM, but not in Windsor! Oh no, we can’t do that. I’m sorry but if you want to run your own business and have it succeed you offer what people are looking for. Its no secret that is why the mall did so much better than downtown. They are open when people are done work!


  9. Steve on Thursday, December 16, 2010 at 1:36 pm reply Reply

    I live in the west end, so went to the xmas parade since it was nearby. McDonalds was giving out free coffee and hot chocolate, so even the coffee shops wouldn’t have benefited if it were downtown. Would the restaurants downtown have benefited? I don’t know.

    That said, I still think events like parades should be downtown, but don’t know if it is worth the fight to get those parades back. I would love to see a huge car show (& picnic on the waterfront?) downtown on July 1st now that the Canada Day parade has moved. Growing up out west, we always had a Victoria Day parade with lots of marching bands from the US - and it was held in the day, not at night - so businesses can be open.

  10. Dave McG on Wednesday, January 19, 2011 at 8:44 pm reply Reply

    Ouellette (Etc) + Sandwich + Wyandotte + Riverside + Walkerville + Erie St. = “Downtown” - why do you have to compete? - how about working together for one ‘Large Downtown’ for a small city. Go on.

  11. Mark Boscariol on Wednesday, January 19, 2011 at 9:11 pm reply Reply

    I love all the BIA’s Mainstreets. However, the province put us in the position of competing when it funded Wyandotte Town Centers Application to move the Canada Day Parade. The X-mas parade put us into a position to compete when they went around putting out the parade to the highest bidder.

    I agree. I think we should look at the city in terms of “the core” vs. Downtown. Either that or simply look at all mainstreets/BIA’s the same as they

    We have a committee called WEBIAC (Windsor Essex BIA Committee) that does much of that but its always a precarious balance

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