
Posts Tagged ‘Armouries’

My Junk Drawer
My Junk Drawer
By Chris | March 10, 2008 | Feedback (2)
For further proof that the junk drawer in my kitchen holds the answers to all of Windsor's woes, I decided to go digging through it for todays entry...Can you imagine a city council actually being proactive in their bid ...
Is Windsor Daring to Dream?
Is Windsor Daring to Dream?
By Chris | December 5, 2007 | Feedback (7)
Is it just me, or has there been a slight shift in attitudes towards our downtown as of late?Windsorites have always been a somewhat pessimistic bunch, but there seems to be a ...
Rare Opportunity
Rare Opportunity
By Josh | December 4, 2007 | Feedback (6)
In today's Windsor Star Windsor found itself in the company of some of greatest cities in the world. According to John Russell Morris, Windsor Symphony Orchestra conductor, the Windsor Armouries has the potential ...