Posts Tagged ‘guest blogger’
Good friend of SD, Edwin Padilla, sent this to me thinking that our fellow SDers would find it an interesting thread. I think he's right. Thanks Edwin!
Financial Situational Awarene...
Guest Blog - Edwin Padilla
So, who is Edwin Padilla?
...a transplanted Windsorite coming on two years now. A pilot, a history and economics buff, that spends a lot of time looking down on our precious planet, the particularities of human kind, and wondering ...
Guest Blogger - Mita Williams
I ran into Chris last week at Staples, and in the course of our conversation the topic of street cars came up. From there, I told him some of my thoughts about the relationship ...
By Dorian Moore
In a previous post I talked about the need for cities to look at their situations as-is. This leads to uncovering opportunities that ...
The people getting involved with the ScaleDown experiment continuously amaze me. From well-spoken, emerging community activists to engaged, educated professionals, I am increasingly becoming aware of the power that we have. Today's guest blog comes from Dorian ...
Our post today comes from local blogger Victoria Rose, who writes regularly in her blog My Local Food. A self-avowed locavore, Victoria cherishes and champions all that is local. A trait that ...
The following article was sent to us by none other than UrbanRat, one of the Windsor blog-o-spheres most active participants. His reprinted words of wisdom here are a wonderful lesson for those of us too young to remember Saul ...
From this point forward, everyone, Brendan Houghton will be referred to as the latest addition to the ScaleDown family. We just got the adoption papers back and everything looks like it's in order. ...